The Impossible Dream~

So today in my time with God, I was challenged and inspired again by the scripture in Matthew 19:26, “With human beings this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible”

So with that amazing scripture in my heart, I gave the day to the Lord and declared with unchallenged confidence, All things are possible today!  I began to pray through some situations, and scenarios in my own life that I am believing for the impossible to happen.

And then I said it.  I promised God that today I would believe for whatever happened in my day that I would not say can’t, won’t or never.  But instead I would commit to surrendering it to God and trusting that He CAN and He WILL (Provided its within His will of course)  I wanted to choose God’s perspective in “all things” and see what God does.

So into the day I went with that word in my heart.  Wonder what for?  I thought to myself.

And guess what?

As I was going about my day, a reminder of an out of the box idea, Corey & I have been praying through came to my attention.  It is something we are processing and exploring that we feel God leading us in.  It is something that will require our God of the impossible to intervene.  And today I encountered a potential opportunity to pursue for that out of the box idea.

As I went to pursue this potential opportunity, I began to feel silly and fearful of failure and doubt that this was right.  But as soon as I thought those things, I was promptly reminded of my declaration at the start of the day to believe all things are possible with God.

So I proceeded and will continue this journey each step as it comes.  And who knows what will eventuate from it.  Maybe I will simply gain more confidence in stepping out or maybe, just maybe this might be the impossible situation that God wants to make possible.

About Simone

I am a pastor, a wife, a mum, daughter, sister, aunty, friend and I consider each day a blessing and a privilege to live out the calling on my life. I want to make each day count for eternity
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2 Responses to The Impossible Dream~

  1. tracey b says:

    It reminded me of that song …”all things are possible” and now have it in my head. 🙂
    Thanks for the encouragement … love ya xoxo

  2. Helen says:

    Now I have that song in my head! I love it Sis… God is our Hopea and Dreams… Nothing is possible without Him. May we never forget it! xx

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