Answered prayer!

Yesterday I prayed for God to create in me a clean, pure heart, and today He answered my prayer!
A conversation I had today, tested and revealed something in my heart that I didn’t like.  It wasnt a big thing, but my buttons were pushed and I was left wondering why.  I could get caught up in what was right and what was wrong about it, but instead I chose to allow God to use it to grow me to be more like Him.
You see my desire above anything else in this world, is to know God.  And I am understanding more and more, that He will use my everyday experiences to do that – if I let Him.
So what did it reveal to me?
It reminded me again that I am a real person, who makes mistakes and needs to admit them!  I am not better than anyone else.  I am humbled to know and be who God has called me to be – warts and all!
With all this learnt, I am rejoicing at the fact that my God loves me, that He answers my prayers and that as I allow Him to work on my heart, I will grow to know Him more.

About Simone

I am a pastor, a wife, a mum, daughter, sister, aunty, friend and I consider each day a blessing and a privilege to live out the calling on my life. I want to make each day count for eternity
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3 Responses to Answered prayer!

  1. Helen says:

    Hey lovely, I love it… such a refreshing way to look at things. Thanks for sharing xx

  2. Jacqui Coulthard says:

    Simmy I love you so much. You are real, raw and honest – that is what I love so much about you. God is definately doing a work in all of us – as we open ourselves up to being vulnerable in His arms – he will stretch and grow our Character – all to Glorify Himself… thank you so much for blogging and sharing your true you 🙂

  3. Rach Wallace says:

    yayyy! another blogger! great stuff Sim, looking forward to more Turner inspiration hehe :o)

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